Friday, March 16, 2012

RS: Not Everything Sucks

These two videos contained very interesting and enlightening facts about our world today and where we're heading for the future and they also were also uplifting and put a positive spin on some of the struggles that we are enduring. They made good points to show that it isn't all bad and that there is a ton of hope for the future. Hans Rosling's video showed where we came from in terms of health and wealth. There has been a slow and steady growth all of the world, some countries faster than others, but now a lot of countries are in a good place and if we continue on the pace we are on, a lot more countries will get there too.

Peter Diamandis' video did a good job of illustrating that, although we are struggling over some of resources right now, there is plenty of hope for the future and that we could very well have an abundance of resources that we are struggling with today. The combination of technology and greater inter connectivity among people throughout the world can eventually lead us to an abundance of resources. A new generation of billions of people is growing and will eventually be connected to the rest of the world. This will help to infuse the global economy with trillions of dollars. Advances in technology will help us with water and energy shortages. New technology has helped us to develop equipment for cheap water purification. Technology like this can be applied all over the world. We are also on track to develop incredibly cheap solar energy. New technology and impending inter connectivity all over the world can help us to get to a place of great accomplishments and to a place where a lot of our concerns about resources are solved.

These videos did a good job of showing us that we have hope for the future and that, although we have problems, we have ways of solving them and moving into a productive new age all over the world.

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