Friday, March 2, 2012

RS Spring Break

My strongest memory of this class so far is of your teaching style and your concern for us to learn and do well. Your style of teaching keeps the class loose and gives us references that we can relate the topics to. Those types of references help me learn the subject matter better and keeps me invested in what we're learning. Also, I thought it was great that around test time you sent us tips and pointers on how to do well on those tests and other writings that showed tips for learning because those were helpful. Overall my strongest memory of the class has been your teaching style and concern for us as students.

My strongest memory from economic concepts has been CPI and GDP because we did a lot of work and assignments in class with them, but we also did a few blog posts and watched and read a lot about them outside of class. All of these things combined helped me learn more about two statistics that are pretty important to know about. Before this class I knew what those letters stood for but I really did not know anything about the actual statistics. All the work we did with these two things has helped me grasp these concepts well and that is important because a good knowledge of these two stats is a good thing to have in order to stay more in tune with how the economy is operating.

My favorite topic that we did for a blog post was the Katy Perry podcast because I love listening to music and I do it all the time, but I didn't know that it isn't just the artist that is making off with all of the money that is made from an album. I didn't know that the money that is made is paid to as many different people as it is and that they have to pay for as much as they do. I think when we hear that an album is doing well we all just assume that an artist is making off with millions of dollars and while most of them still are, it seems like it isn't always as much as we think it is. This was my favorite topic to write about because it gave me a new perspective on something I am very passionate about and taught me about an aspect of that that I did not know much about.

I think the blog post I did my best work on was the Inside the Meltdown post. I think that was my most thorough blog post because I included quotes and ideas from the video about the meltdown and I also included a few pictures so that it wasn't all text. It think it was the best laid out and best looking blog post and the content was the most thorough. That video was very interesting and having an interesting topic to write about makes the work easier.

I think the thing about this class that has made me a better person is the real world application of the topics we do. I like how we learn about a topic with the text definitions and then more real world oriented definitions and examples. Those examples help me learn the material and being able to apply it to examples is good because it helps us expand our knowledge of topics outside of the classroom. Being more knowledgeable about the way our country operates will only help us in the long run and that is a part of this class that I really enjoy and I believe that has helped me. I think being able to learn topics and apply them to  real world examples is a good skill to have and that is a way where this class has helped me a lot.

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