Monday, April 16, 2012

RS The Interview Project Reaction

I enjoyed this assignment a lot because I am a fan of history and it was very interesting to me to see just how much the way we deal with money has changed over the years. I don't think it has changed too drastically since I have been alive but my mother and grandmother have been alive for much longer than I have and they have been alive to see much more drastic changes.

I liked asking the questions that related to specific events or prices. My grandmother was a little girl when the Great Depression hit, so it was very interesting to listen to her account of that because it was a real life account of one of the most devastating events in our history. It was very cool to hear her say things like, they could go to the movies for a nickel or buy food for a quarter and things like that. I can't believe how different the scale of money was back then.

It was even surprising listening to some of the things my mom said because the scale was much different when she was growing up too. She remembers buying gas for one dollar or so and going to the movies for a few cents. I cant believe how much it has changed since they were growing up but I really enjoyed talking to them and learning their perspectives about the questions we asked.

The way we deal with money has changed so much over the years and also perspectives on society have changed a lot too. I am related to both of the people I interviewed, but our answers didn't always match up and sometimes they were very different. It was interesting to interview these people to hear their take on how far we've come and how we have gotten there. I also think we picked very good questions for this assignment because they covered a lot of details. Overall I really enjoyed this assignment.

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