Monday, April 9, 2012

RS: Your Choice

This podcast talked about a few important economic points. The first thing they explained that interested me was about Country Wide and their tendency to give people and their own employees bad loans. I thought it was really awful how they said that Country Wide used a lot of different tactics to get their employees to agree to bad loans. Another interesting part of this was the part about favorability survey they did. This survey produced pretty alarming favorability numbers for bosses and supervisors. Something that was probably related to those numbers was that Country Wide had an extremely high employee turnover rate, with a lot of employees leaving within a year. I thought it was kind of funny how they compared Country Wide to the Titanic. It was all good at first and then all of a sudden there was a thud and things start to go down.

The other part of this that interested me was the part about the employee ethics hotlines and the story about a few specific employees who used these hotlines and then payed for it afterward because they were either fired or reprimanded because they used it. It is dishonest of these large corporations to have something to make their employees feel safe like that if they are only going to punish them for using it. I know it all about making money for these large corporations but I think they should at least be forward and honest with their employees because it will only benefit them. T

There are things in this podcast that are pretty shocking and damning to large corporations. People these days are becoming more aware of these sorts of things and there are more governing bodies and rules to pay attention to, so if companies are still doing these sorts of things they will have to get their acts together. It is not right that large corporations are doing these sorts of things to their employees but if they continue to, it will only hurt them in the long run.

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